Saturday, October 10, 2015


Lilikoi. Aka passion fruit, the nectar of the Gods, yummy yumness, whatever you want to call it. 

I had never had it and really didn't even know what it was before coming to Hawaii and I was definitely missing out. This stuff is GOOD. 

It's a cute, yellow ball fruit full of amazingly tasting gooey stuff inside. It has seeds that give it the perfect amount of texture to offset the sliminess. 

Sounds appetizing right? HAHA! I swear it's good.

What is so funny is that it grows like weeds around here! People think of it as more of a nuisance and nobody really cares for it. Which is sad but also fine, cause like, more for me, ya know? 

We visited our friends last week and stocked up on soooo many from their yard. Of course I didn't get a picture so just trust me on this one.

So, since we have a fatty pile of lilikoi, this is the concoction that I've come up with. With a little inspo from my good friend, Steph!

Looks a little gross. But it's not, promise.

It's plain greek yogurt, cottage cheese, looooooots of lilikoi, and a tad of agave to sweeten it up if your fruit is tart. 

It's my go-to for a quick and easy snack. 



  1. I won't lie, it looks nasty. But I'll trust you that it tastes good. When I come to visit, you have to serve some to me, okay? ;-)

  2. Keep the food ideas coming! I can learn from you, and by the time we see you again we'll be lean machines (and healthier too :)
