Monday, January 27, 2014

Week #34

Hello ALL!
So again... Unfortunately I don't have a ton to report... It was a very long week haha. SO much knocking!!! We did see quite a few miracles though!
First, Robert. We met him Monday night knocking and he was interested... Sort of. He doesn't believe in God but invited us back anyway. On our second visit he did some "research" aka. he found anti material and had some questions. We answered as best as we could and asked him about prayer. We all took turns praying and he actually did it! He never has before and we know he felt something. unfortunately his wife doesn't like us and so we'll see where that goes.
Second, Ethan and Clayton. We were knocking (typical) and these 2 guys in their 20's answered. Neither of them really believe in God but we started talking about the book of mormon and committed them to read. We approached it from a Why Not attitude. I'm not really sure if that's ideal but it worked haha. So we are going back to see. They were super cool and have a housefull of roommates so I'm feeling multiple baptisms coming on ;) haha
Lastly, Nevan Bacon. We were going to a church tour (which fell through) but we had to leave our apartment way before we ever normally do. so we were walking to our car and just met this guy. He was very friendly and doesn't believe in God. We taught him how to pray and testified that it could change his life and he was visibly moved by it. We're going back to teach him tomorrow!
So, all of these people right now are basically just potentials haha but I think they count as miracles. So keep them in your prayers!!! Also, keep Thornton Creek in your prayers. We need it. I need it. Knocking doors all day is getting reeeeaaaalllllly old hahaha.
That's about it! Oh, one more thing. We taught High Priests on Sunday. Yeah that was weird.
Thanks for everything!! LOVE YOU ALL.  

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week #33

So I really don't have a ton to report this week. HA. The elders we replaced, bless their hearts, left us with close to nothing so we are starting from ground zero. A blessing and a curse I think. We do a ton of tracting, which is not my first choice, but we really don't have another one! We are going around trying to visit all the members too so we are having good success with that. We have run into quite a few less-actives who we're hoping to visit regularly and get them coming back to church! 
On a side note, we do have a nice apartment! It's way bigger than my polly pocket house last transfer. I did a deep clean today because elders are disgusting and I couldn't stand it anymore. 
Aaaaaaand that about wraps up my week. Haha. Hopefully next week I'll have more to say! 

Keep praying for Thornton Creek... Heaven knows we need it. Thank you all for everything! You're wonderful! 

Sister Brian

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Week #32

I got transferred!!!! Here I am last night thinking I was totally good and BAM. call from the Zone Leaders. I was blindsided! I'm so sad to be leaving Washington Park! We were finally starting to get things going there and I didn't want to leave my companions or Veronika! It was definitely a sad moment. But I'm excited about my new area! It's still in the same zone but we kicked elders out and me and my companion are white washing the area. Our AP called and told me that this area really needs help. They haven't had a baptism in over a year and is really struggling so he needs me and my new companion to go in and help it out. I don't know what the heck he expects ME to do!?.... hahaha but he said he has faith in me so we'll see how it goes. My new companion is darling though! Her name is Sister Imai from Japan. She came out the same time is me and is the most angelic and christ-like person I know!! Hopefully some of that will rub off on me haha. Her english is kind of rough so hopefully the gift of tongues will work for both of us!
Not a ton happened this last week.. It was pretty slow, not a ton of people were home but funny story for you all! So yesterday we were driving to see a less-active who ended up not being home so I'm trying to get us out of their neighborhood when Sister Prows screams STOP!!! I'm freaking out like I just hit someone and she just yells, "We have to go help that old man!!!" Now I'm dying thinking that I just hit this old man!! But really it was just this little old man taking down his christmas lights haha. So after I punched Sister Prows we all went and asked if he wanted help. He told us no but said his wife was in the kitchen so he opened the door and basically shoved us inside. We were a little flustered but went in and this lady was so surprised to see us! we ended up talking to them for like 2 hours! they aren't members but know lots of them. They called one of their member friends and I had to talk to him on the phone!! Weird! Anyway, he told me to tell the couple that they needed to hear us teach the Plan of Salvation to them. It was pretty funny. They agreed and said we could come back! Well..... now my companions will go back..... But anyway, miracle of the week.
I'm excited to be in this new area and to hopefully be getting some things going here! Sister Imai is just radiating with the Spirit all the time so I'm going to take a page out of her book!
I love you all!!!
Sista Brian

Monday, January 6, 2014

Around town...

Week #31

I can't believe it's 2014! It's the weirdest thing! And that I've been out 7 months!!
This week was a pretty good one! We were able to get 4 new investigators so we were really excited about that. We had a miracle yesterday that I want to share with you all...
We were out contacting and no one was listening last night, everyone was being so rude! Even more so than they normally are haha. So we decided to find something better to do with our time so we tried to go see a member with no luck and then Sister Prows felt prompted to go see this young couple in our ward. So we headed over there and they invited us in and we were just talking to them and their friends (who are all rm's) so we were a little disappointed but it was good. Then after a few minutes their neighbor from downstairs who they invited to church came up. We were able to teach her the Restoration and give her a Book of Mormon and answer a ton of her questions. It was awesome! It was such a natural conversation and she is so prepared! Her name is Carla and she is the coolest.
We've been seeing small miracles all week long and it has been the biggest blessing. One of my New Year's resolutions this year has been to have more perspective. I've been praying really hard for it and I'm nowhere close to having it but my eyes have definitely been opened and it's been a huge blessing. I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ so much! I know they are there and I'm so grateful for them.
Thank you all for everything you do! I hope 2014 has been great so far! I love you!
Sister Brian!