It's been 3 weeks and Hank is BLISS. Ahhh, sometimes Kade and I will just look at him and then at each other and be like, WE LOVE HIM SO MUCH. It's the craziest and best. I figured I should write down his birth story because I never, ever want to forget! One of the top moments of my whole life.
Here's the story in full detail! It's pretty lengthy, and well, detailed. You've been warned....
I woke up on June 7th at 1:30 in the morning and just felt like I had to go to the bathroom. So I did but liquid just kept coming out! I honestly couldn't figure out if I had just lost control of my bladder (hahaha pregnancy...) or if my water broke! So I sat for a good 20 minutes working on that and I started googling stuff and I basically came to the conclusion that my water broke haha. I got Kade up and told him that I thought my water broke and his response was, "Are you serious? Does that mean I have to get up?" Haha! I told him that he did, in fact, have to get up! We actually both googled it before we left just to make sure because neither of us wanted to get sent home from the hospital! I told Kade to pack a bag and I put on a little makeup because I was looking haggard and thought delivery would only make it worse... So we got our stuff together, I put a towel between my legs (hahahaha) and off to the hospital we went!
We ended up getting to the hospital about 2:30 and checked in. It was so quiet and seemed so calm. It was weird actually. They took us back to a room and I changed into a gown and a nurse came in and checked. Sure enough, my water broke! It was such a relief. We reeeeeeeaaally didn't want to get sent home. There were 4 other girls that got sent home that night! So the nurse was happy to keep us. I was only dilated to a 1 and wasn't fully effaced and I haven't even had any contractions! But, they had to keep me because my water broke and the risk of infection goes way up if that happens. Soooo, there we were just hangin out.
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We both tried to sleep a little but nurses kept coming in to check me. They hooked me up to an IV and that was not pleasant... The poor nurse. She tried twice and went through my vein both times and was digging around in my arm and it was very unpleasant and just couldn't get it so she finally had to call another nurse in to do it. I'm still bruised from that... Anyway, we slept on and off and hung out and it was like 4 in the morning and I still wasn't really dilating or progressing but with the small, minor contractions I was having, baby's heart rate would drop so they didn't want to start Pitocin because that would only make it worse. So, we just kept hanging out.
*Side note: Before I ever got pregnant and during my whole pregnancy I knew I wanted to have an unmedicated birth. I just wanted to do it without. I have absolutely nothing against how anyone else has babies or modern medicine or anything like that. There is no right or wrong way, I mean, you had a BABY. That's freakin' amazing no matter how it happens. I definitely had an open mind because things don't always go according to plan and I didn't want to be devastated or crushed or somehow resent how my baby was born because of that, but I knew I wanted to do unmedicated. Or try anyway. So, there's that. Back to the story.
I labored by myself for a while and the contractions all of a sudden started getting so bad!! Like, BAM. Pretty minor and then they sky rocketed! I tried to remember my breathing techniques and visualizations but man, when you're having a contraction, that stuff is hard to remember! Haha. So basically it all went out the window... Kade was so good and let me squeeze the crap out of his fingers and he counted with me and he was just so good. My contractions were getting worse and a lot closer together so I thought that meant I was dilating more but the nurse came and checked again and I was only at a 2!!!!! So I kept going for a while and then finally asked for pain medicine. I couldn't really relax between contractions and it just got too painful. So they gave me something else (not an epidural) and it didn't do jack! In fact, it made me so, so sick. I was violently throwing up! The only time I got sick and threw up during my pregnancy was during delivery haha. It also made me so loopy. I was so out of it and couldn't keep my eyes open and I was so nauseous. Then, they had to put me on oxygen because baby's heart rate was still dropping with every contraction and the plastic thing smelled like plastic and hospital and it made it harder to breathe and made me even more nauseous and it was just not good! So I continued to labor like that for a little and my contractions honestly felt so strong and I was only at a 2 so I decided that if that's how bad it was at a 2 then I really didn't want to find out what they were like at a 10. So, I got an epidural at like 9:45 am.
It was insane not being in control of my pain! I honestly was a little bummed at first to get the epidural just because I felt like I was a lot stronger and could've lasted longer. But, after it kicked in, I was so happy I got it. The experience was so much more pleasant for me and for Kade (haha poor guy, he was so helpful but I don't think his fingers could've lasted much longer I was squeezing them so hard). Kade and I were both finally able to relax and be comfortable! Heck, I even took a nap! But, I tried to keep the medicine low enough that I would still have a little feeling and be aware of my body and know when to push and all of that.
The doctor decided it was best that they start me on the lowest dose possible of Pitocin because I still wasn't progressing and I was just stuck for so long and they needed to get things moving. At this point it was like 11:45 or 12 and Kade was starving (so was I but they wouldn't let me eat...) and the nurse said that I most likely wouldn't deliver until 6 or 7 that night because I was only at a 4 so he would be okay to leave for a little. So he went to Cubby's literally right across the street from the hospital. While he was gone the nurse came in and checked me and was like, "Ummm, you need to call your husband and tell him to get back here right now." I had dilated to an 8 in a matter of 10 minutes! I called Kade half laughing and half panicking that he wouldn't get back in time and told him to hurry the heck up!! After what felt like an eternity, he finally made it back and asked the nurse what I was at on his way into my room and she told him I was an 8 pushing a 9! So they came in together and she checked me one more time and was totally shocked and told me to put my legs back together and not move. Apparently baby's head was right there!!! She called the doctor who was doing a D&C downstairs and said she needed 15 minutes. I started stressing a little because my mom wasn't even there! Kade called her and told her to run. Thankfully they don't live far away haha.
I told my nurse I was starting to feel pressure and so she grabbed another nurse and they starting prepping to deliver him themselves! My mom walked in probably 2 minutes after that and then 2 minutes after that the doctor walked in! They set my bed up and got my legs all situated and told me to push. One little half push and his head was all the way out and then they told me to count to 10 and push and I got to about 7 and he was out!! They laid him pretty much immediately on me and he had such a good, strong cry! The nurses commented that he was actually pretty loud haha. It felt like he was always part of our family, like obviously he came to us! He was so perfect and straight from heaven and it was just so surreal! I totally get emotional typing this out and even thinking about it. It was one of the most special moments of my whole life.

And there it is. Hank Kade Hansen was born at 12:31 pm. He weighed 6 lbs 9 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. He is such a dreamboat and I seriously feel like my heart is going to explode! We love our little guy SO much. Welcome to the crew Hank!