Friday, June 7, 2013

Letter #1

Hello family!!!!!
I'm so excited to be emailing you right now!!! The first 2 days were good...hard, but good. It's only my 3rd day here but I feel like I've been out for a week! It's the weirdest thing. Truthfully I haven't had a breakdown yet so I'm going strong. I see Sister Christensen a lot so sometimes it's hard to keep it together when I see her. But basically everyone I know is here! I saw Elder Bradshaw on the first day, I saw Zoe Hart, and I've seen Macy! I see so many people I know so that's really cool. My companion is named Sister Mobley (pronounced Mawbly). She's from Georgia. My district is really cool. One kid named Elder Bailey is from Orem and he went to Timpanogos so that's cool having someone be from home. Our Branch President is President Mangum and he actually knows the Brothersons really well (our next door neighbors).

So, the first day we had a lot of different meetings and orientations and things like that. Then, we had to teach!! Our first day!! It was...interesting. There was a group of like 90 of us teaching one investigator so it was hard to get across what we were trying to teach. That part was actually really discouraging. I feel like everyone is just leaps and bounds ahead of me spritually. So hearing all of their spiritual comments and things.. I dunno. But i'm working on it.

Yesterday we had a lot of personal study time. That was nice just being able to study what I wanted. But now we are teaching one of our teachers posing as an investigator so we are studying for his needs and trying to figure out how to best teach him.

Friday is my p-day so today we get to go to the temple! I'm so excited to do that!! I'm sorry to do this to you but I have a few things I need... Haha. I need q-tips! I'm so dumb I don't know how I forgot them. And.. If you feel the need. You could send some basic colored shirts or tops. I'm coming to realize now how many skirts I have with no shirts to wear. Oh! I forgot a toothbrush! How stupid is that!? Yeah that was an embarrassing moment.. Haha I had to go find a Sister who had an extra. Thankfully someone did. Well.. I think that's all for now.
I don't have anyone else's emails so mom if you want to post on Facebook asking people or something? Or I'll just send this to you and you do whatever with it.
I miss you all like crazy!! Seriously I do! I wish I could give you all one more big hug but I'm here and I'm working hard. I love you all soooo much!!!
P.S. I get to be on later today so if you get this just reply real fast and I'll send another email :)
Sister Brian

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