Monday, July 22, 2013

Week #7

Hello! Monday couldn't come soon enough this week. It was just a very slow week with not a lot to do. Thank you SO much for the package though Mom and Dad! It was awesome! We listen to the music all the time, not even kidding! Those speakers are awesome, Dad. And the Swig cookies stayed good :) We enjoyed them haha. Everything in there was awesome so thank you :) 

So, a cool story. I guess it was last week but I forgot to tell you. After we had our interviews with Pres. Choi the ZL's looked at our planners. Me and my companion are both so new that neither of us knew fully how to use them and we wrote in pen. The ZL's gave us some advice and told us to write in pencil. So we did and the next week we like doubled all of our numbers! It was so cool! The planner works. 

This week, we had the Laurels come out with us for a day. That was super fun! They're sweet girls. But of course all the people we wanted to see cancelled but whatever ha. 
We also got to help with the Community Dinner this week. It's open to anyone in the community and our church was putting it on this week. Mostly homeless people and the druggies come but it was still cool to be able to serve them food and talk to some of them. 
We have been trying for a while now to see a lady named Lisa Parnell. She is way less-active but we were finally able to get into her house this week! We just chatted and got to know her and at the end she said "This is nice, nobody ever wants to talk about me". She's so sweet! She has a ton of health and personal issues but we are working on getting her back to church. 
We saw Brandi Koonce again and she is doing well! We did find out that she has issues with church though. She likes it but it scares her because she doesn't want to conform. So we're working on it. 
We did have a MIRACLE this week though! So we were at church handing out the programs in foyer when a lady walks in looking confused. She came over to us and said, "I'm looking for the missionaries I think? Someone who can teach me? I found the address of this church online and I was wondering if you could help me?" HAHA! Sister Monks and I walked right up to her and said, "HI! We're the missionaries!!" It was sooo cool! Her name is Katherine Clark and she works with a lot of members. She asked if she could just follow us around for the meeting. We told her absolutely! At the end of church she was like, "So what now? When do I get do I get the whole shpeal?" We were like tomorrow...? Ha! So we are teaching her tonight and are super super excited! Hopefully all goes well! Pray for us! And her haha. 
Other than that... It's all pretty much the same out here. The house is still so disgusting I want to puke every time I'm in the kitchen. Mom, you would probably pass out if you saw it. It's hard not to sometimes...The smell is overwhelming. It's a joy. And their grandkids are still here with more on the way! Super JOY. Til the end of September. It's going to be a long summer. The mom believes in letting her cry it out. That's not okay especially when the baby's room is next to ours. I'm a little crankier than usual. 
I love you all! And miss you! Thank you for the letters and emails :) You're the best!!

Sister Brian

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